Sunday, June 24, 2012

Training Has Started

AM - Jumping + Snatch intense + Snatch Pulls + OH moderate + Upper CP capacity
A. Box Jump Cluster, x 3 sets, 2 min - cluster means to rest 10 sec b/t reps, all tough sets 32 inch
B. High Hang Squat Snatch, 3 x 3 sets, 4-5 min - full pause in high hang position, not dynamic, focus on getting 
155 - All Good
160 - All Good
165 - All Close but none good 
C. Snatch Pull @ 100% RM, 3 reps x 3 sets, 3 min - drop each rep after lift/pull, for you, the focus needs to be on holding the correct torso angle until the bar passes your knees - check Catalyst Athletics for a good video on Snatch Pulls 215, kept my butt down
D. Push Jerk. Split Jerk, 1.1 x 5 sets, 3 min - all sets @ 80% effort (1.1 = 1 Push Jerk, then immediately get ready to perform 1 split jerk)
205lbs - Got all the reps
E. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 rep rds for time:
HSPU - no kip
Pronated Strict Chin-ups

PM - MAP singles Only Had 45min to rest b/w sessions
10 x 30 sec Row @ 50% effort/30 sec Row @ 80% effort (50% is about 2:15-2:25/500m, 80% is about 1:44-1:46/500m) went with 2:15 and 1:44
5 min rest
10 x 30 sec Row @ 50% effort/30 sec Row @ 80% effort went with 2:15 and 1:44
10 minutes of pec/lat stretching no time, had to skip

AM - MAP high %'s 
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% aerobic effort (i.e. high effort, but sustainable):
10 KBS - 32kg
15 Air Squats  3rds + 6 Squats
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90%:
5 Toes to Bar  4 rds + 12 Double Unders
25 Double Unders
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90%:
10 Burpees
200m Run  2 rds + 10 Burpies
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90%:
10 Box Jumps - 20"
10 Wall Balls - 20#  3rds + 5 Wallball
--15 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% aerobic effort (i.e. high effort, but sustainable):
10 KBS - 32kg
15 Air Squats  3rds + 9 Squats
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90%:
5 Toes to Bar
25 Double Unders 5 rds + 3 Toes to Bar
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90%:
10 Burpees
200m Run 2 rds + 10 Burpies
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90%:
10 Box Jumps - 20"
10 Wall Balls - 20# 4 rds

Took 3 hours b/w Sessions
PM - Run 30 minutes @ 50% effort (stop as needed to stretch/move)
ran 3 miles on the dot in 30 minutes, felt fine, hip flexors were tight

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