Sunday, March 24, 2013

Week 3
Monday - Snatch tech + Snatch Battery + Clean tech + Clean and Jerk battery + Squat moderate
A. Power Snatch. Below Knee Hang Squat Snatch, 1.1 x 8 sets, 1 min - 4 sets @ 115lb, 4 sets @ 135lb done
B. touch n go Power Snatch, 3 reps @ 175lb per min for 7 minutes done, no misses
C. Tall Squat Clean. High Hang Squat Clean, 1.1 x 8 sets, 1 min - 4 sets @ 135lb, 4 sets @ 155lb done
D. Hang Power Clean and Push Jerk, 2 reps @ 225lb per min for 10 minutes - no dropping bar b/t reps done, no misses
E. Back Squat @ 20X1, 2 reps @ 70% RM per min for 7 minutes - focus on concentric speed
270, got them done
Tuesday - Upper CP Battery + MAP Rowing
AMRAP Ring Muscle-ups to complete failure x 1 set - goal is 15+ 15, failed on 16
Rest as needed
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
5 unbroken Bar Muscle-ups
5 Kipping HSPU to 10" Depth
5 rds +2 HSPU...there is a change I forgot to count a rd and got 6+2
Rest as needed
3 rounds for time:
15 unbroken C2B Chin-ups
15 unbroken Ring Push-ups
Rest as needed
2 x 2000m Row @ 85% effort/rest 6 min b/t sets - damper 5
7:27.2 - 7:17.4 - first attempt was a true 85% based on my best 2000m felt easy so I just went harder for the second

Wednesday - MAP (30/30) 
3 sets @ 90%:
60 sec Thrusters @ 75lbs
60 sec Double Unders (sub in Airdyne if not possible with foot)
90 sec rest
26/16 cal airdyne - 29/15cal - 27/16cal
5 min rest
15 Burpees to 6" OH per min for 5 minutes done
5 min rest
3 sets @ 90%:
60 sec Wall Balls - 20# to 10 ft went with 30lbs Ball
60 sec Double Unders (sub in Airdyne if not possible with foot)
90 sec rest
 27/14 cal. - 27/15 cal. - 29/19 cal.

Thursday - off

Got the stomach bug Friday...left work early, in bed for two days...lost 6 lbs in 48 hours
Friday - Snatch intense + Clean and Jerk intense + DL moderate + Press 

A. Squat Snatch Cluster, 1.1 x 5 sets, 3 min - start @ 185lb, add 10lbs per set
B. Push Jerk, 2 reps x 5 sets, 4 min - start @ 225lb, goal is 265lb for 2
C. Power Clean, build to 90% RM for a double - 10 sec b/t reps
D1. DL Cluster, 1.1.1 @ 375lb x 3 sets, 10 sec
D2. AMRAP Kipping HSPU to 10" Depth x 3 sets, 180 sec

Saturday in bed
AM - Open 2013

PM - Airdyne MAP
5 x 4 min Airdyne @ 75%/2 min Airdyne @ 50%
13.3...22 muscle ups...glad I didn't shit my pants hanging on the rings...the bug is not done with me yet but my energy levels are coming back...still on the toilet often.  Ready to keep pushing.


  1. Damn - stomach bug is the worst. Thats a lot of weight to lose.
    Were you able to complete the open WOD? Good luck!

  2. I was able to complete the wod, felt good during the wallball, got to the rings by 7:25 but the muscle ups were trouble...want to do that one again and see how it goes when I am healthy
