Sunday, July 8, 2012

Week 3

Week 3
Monday - off

Tuesday - Jumping + OH intense + Front Squat technical + Upper CP capacity
A. Freeze Box Jump, 1 rep every 20 sec for 5 minutes 39", had a little more
B. Push Jerk. Split Jerk, 1.1 x 5 sets, 4-5 min 225lbs for all sets, got a little heavy
C. Front Squat @ 31X1, 4 reps @ 75% RM x 5 sets, 3 min - elbows high out of bottom, full pause in full depth  240 for all sets, felt like I had a little more
D. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
3 HSPU to 6" depth
3 L Pull-ups - L position must be maintained from top to bottom with no kip
12rds + 1 HSPU

Wednesday - Snatch tech + C&J tech + Row LP1 + LP2 (wts/gym)
High Hang Squat Snatch, 3 reps x 6 sets, 2 min - 3 sets @ 55% Snatch RM, 3 sets @ 65% Snatch RM 55% at 120lbs and 65% at 140, felt great
Power Clean Cluster, 1.1.1 x 6 sets, 2 min - 3 sets @ 65% Clean RM, 3 sets @ 75% Clean RM
+ 65% at 175lbs and 75% and 200lbs, felt good
5 x Row Sprint 35 sec ALL OUT @ damper 7, 4 min b.t efforts
+ 215m - 214m - 211m - 211m - 211m
5 sets @ 95-97% effort: 12 touch n go Power Clean @ 135lb/12 Burpees, 5 min b.t efforts
1:03 - 1:04 - 1:01 - 1:04 - 1:01
Thursday - MAP low %'s
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
25 Double Unders
4 Right Arm Periscope Lunges @ 16kg
4 Left Arm Periscope Lunges @ 16kg
11rds + 8 D.U.
--5 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
Row 250m
15 Anchored Sit-ups
5 Ring Dips
4rds + 6 Situps
--5 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
Run 200m
10 KBS - 24kg
10 Burpees
5 rds
--5 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75%
Row 250m
10 OHS @ 45lb
6 rds + 240m
Friday - off

AM - Jumping + Snatch intense + Snatch Pulls + OH moderate + Upper CP capacity
A. Walk-in Box Jump, 1 tough rep every 20 sec for 5 minutes 42" had more
B. Below Knee Hang Power Snatch, 3-3-2-2-1-1, 4 min - all hard sets, fist set of 3 @ 175lb
175(3) - 180(3) - 185(2) - 195(2) all misses but very close - 195(1) missed but very close -195(1) got it easy, form was better
C. Snatch Pull @ 110% RM, 3 reps x 3 sets, 3 min  236lbs for all sets
D. Snatch Balance, 3 moderate effort reps x 3 sets, 2 min - full pause in bottom of squat for 1 sec 187lbs for all sets, got them all
E. 7-->1 unbroken Muscle-up ladder for time, goal is sub 5 min  4:07

PM - MAP singles I find them to be the most mentally difficult thing to do so far, but that's ok
15 x 30 sec Row @ 50% effort/30 sec Row @ 80% effort 
5 min rest
15 x 30 sec Row @ 50% effort/30 sec Row @ 80% effort
10 minutes of pec/lat stretching 

AM - MAP high %'s 
3 minutes of work @ 90% aerobic effort (i.e. high effort, but sustainable):
3 Thrusters @ 65lb
3 Chin-ups
 8 rds
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 90%:
6 Power Snatch @ 75lb
6 Burpees
4 rds + 2 P Snatch
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 90%:
9 Push Jerk @ 85lb
9 Box Jumps - 20"
4rds + 3 Box Jump
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 90%:
12 Power Clean @ 95lb
12 cal Row
2rds + 10 Power Cleans
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 90%:
Run 600m
AMRAP Burpees in remaining time
16 Burpies
--15 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 90% aerobic effort (i.e. high effort, but sustainable):
3 Thrusters @ 65lb
3 Chin-ups
8 rds + 3 Thrusters 
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 90%:
6 Power Snatch @ 75lb
6 Burpees
4 rds
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 90%:
9 Push Jerk @ 85lb
9 Box Jumps - 20"
4rds + 2 Box Jumps
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 90%:
12 Power Clean @ 95lb
12 cal Row
2 rds + 12 Power Cleans
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 90%:
Run 600m
AMRAP Burpees in remaining 
20 Burpies

PM - Run 30 minutes @ 50% effort (stop as needed to stretch/move)
Going to do this tonight  

I feel great physically, this week I had a tone of extra manual labor with moving furniture into the new place but still feel good.  Got down to 196lbs body weight, that is a two year low for me.

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