Monday, July 2, 2012

week 2

Week 2
Monday - off

Tuesday - Jumping + OH intense + Front Squat technical + Upper CP capacity
A. Freeze Box Jump Cluster, 1.1.1 x 5 sets, 2 min - you need to be higher than 32", video a few sets to see how you are doing these...freeze means to pause in the dip portion of the jump
38" for all sets
B. Push Press. Split Jerk, 1.1 x 5 sets, 4-5 min
 220lbs for all sets, felt good, didn't have to press out any of them
C. Front Squat @ 31X1, 5 reps @ 70% RM x 5 sets, 3 min - elbows high out of bottom, full pause in full depth
 225lbs for all sets, stayed in the bottom for a full pause all sets and reps, wasn't easy
D. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
3 unbroken Supinated Chin-ups + 45lb DB
3 unbroken Dips + 45lb DB

Wednesday - Snatch tech + C&J tech + Row LP1 + LP2 (wts/gym)
High Hang Squat Snatch, 3 reps x 6 sets, 2 min - 3 sets @ 50% Snatch RM, 3 sets @ 60% Snatch RM  50% at 110lbs and 60% at 130, got all sets and reps
Power Clean Cluster, 1.1.1 x 6 sets, 2 min - 3 sets @ 60% Clean RM, 3 sets @ 70% Clean RM
60% at 160 and 70% at 185, got all sets and reps
5 x Row Sprint 30 sec ALL OUT @ damper 7, 4 min b.t efforts
182m, 185m, 186m, 188m, 188m
5 sets @ 95-97% effort: 15 Thrusters @ 95lb/15 Chin-ups, rest 7 x work time
56sec, 55sec, 56sec, 57sec, 54sec

Thursday - MAP low %'s
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
Row 300m
15 KBS - 24kg
15 Air Squats   4rds + 35 meters
--5 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
50 Double Unders
25 Anchored Sit-ups  
15 Box Jumps - 24" - step down every rep   4rds + 50 Double Unders
--5 min recovery
10 minutes of work @ 75% effort:
Run 200m
5 Toes to Bar
10 Push-ups    7 rds + 100 m

Friday - off

AM - Jumping + Snatch intense + Snatch Pulls + OH moderate + Upper CP capacity
A. Walk-in Box Jump Cluster, x 3 sets, 2 min - 3-4 steps = walk-in
39.5" all sets, could go a little higher next time
B. Below Knee Hang Power Snatch, 3-2-1-3-2-1, 3 min - all hard sets, use same load for second wave of 3-2-1
155(3) - 165(2) - 185(1) - 185(3) - 185(2) - 185(1) - felt great  
C. Snatch Pull @ 105% RM, 3 reps x 3 sets, 3 min 
D. Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press @ 12X2, 2-3 tough reps x 3 sets, 3 min - focus on lockout position overhead
205 for all sets, could go heavier but I wasn't in a gym where I could drop weight so I didn't want to miss
E. As many sets of 3 unbroken Muscle-ups as possible in 10 minutes - goal is 12+ rds
15 rds...could have done 16 if I paced faster, finally I eclipse a goal :)
PM - MAP singles
12 x 30 sec Row @ 50% effort/30 sec Row @ 80% effort 
2:15 and 1:44 pace
5 min rest
12 x 30 sec Row @ 50% effort/30 sec Row @ 80% effort
2:15 and 1:44 pace
10 minutes of pec/lat stretching

AM - MAP high %'s 
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% aerobic effort (i.e. high effort, but sustainable):
5 KBS - 32kg
5 Burpees   5rds + 1 Burpie
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90%:
5 Power Clean and Push Press @ 75lb
10 Box Jumps - 24" - step down   3rds + 9 Box Jumps
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90%:
5 Hang Power Clean @ 115lb
25 Double Unders   5rds + 5 Hang Cleans
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90%:
5 C2B Chin-ups
15 Air Squats   5 Rds
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90%:
Row 500m
AMRAP Burpees in remaining time  18 Burpies
--15 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90% aerobic effort (i.e. high effort, but sustainable):
5 KBS - 32kg
5 Burpees   5rds + 1 Swing
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90%:
5 Power Clean and Push Press @ 75lb
10 Box Jumps - 24" - step down  4 rds
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90%:
5 Hang Power Clean @ 115lb
25 Double Unders   5 rds + 5 Hang Cleans
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90%:
5 C2B Chin-ups
15 Air Squats   5rds + 2 Chest to Bar
--3 min recovery
3 minutes of work @ 85-90%:
Row 500m
AMRAP Burpees in remaining time  19 Burpies

PM - Run 30 minutes @ 50% effort (stop as needed to stretch/move)
was not able to do this run, moving into a new apt over the weekend, didn't make enough time

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