Week 6
Monday - Jerk intense + Clean intense + Clean based Battery
A. Clean and Jerk, 1RM
275 - bad day, didn't feel it, lack of sleep
B. Power Clean @ 225lb, AMRAP in 1 minute x 5 sets, 1 min rest - goal is 50 reps
51 reps, first set was sloppy, could do better
C. Free Handstand Push-up practice - total shit show
Tuesday - MAP high %'s - sets, low volume
Complete 1 round every 2 minutes for 10 minutes:
5 Ring Muscle-ups
25 Wall Balls - 20#
10 min rest
Complete 1 round every 2 minutes for 10 minutes:
15 Burpees to 6" OH
15 cals AD
1:45 to 1:55 for all rounds
Wednesday - Snatch tech + Clean and Jerk tech + Aerobic tester
A. Split Jerk. Behind the Neck Split Jerk, 1.1 @ 225lb x 5 sets, 2 min
B. Power Snatch, 4 touch n go reps per minute for 5 minutes - start @ 145lb, add 5lbs per set
done, no misses
C. 3 rounds for time:
4 Power Snatch @ 165lb
12 Pistol
20 Toes to Bar
6:04 - Pistols are greatly improved
Thursday - off
Friday - Snatch intense + Snatch Pulls + Snatch based Battery
A. OHS, 1 RM
B. Snatch Pull Cluster, 1.1.1 @ 245lb x 3 sets, 2 min
felt good
C. 30 Squat Snatch @ 155lb for time - 5:10 last time
4:38...one missed rep, went with all doubles and then the last three reps were singles
AM - LEnd1
For time - all out:
Row 250m
15 KBS - 32kg
25 Burpees - chest to deck, arms OH @ top
15 KBS - 32kg
Row 250m
*Your best time is 4:11, my best time is 3:31
I have to start adjusting my perspective on pace, it seems like I have a much larger engine...didn't start fast enough on this wod
3:50, I could have done 3:40 with more accurate pace
PM - MAP Row or AD
For time:
Row 2000m
500 Double Unders
300 cals on Airdyne - make sure bodyweight is set to 150lbs Don't know how to program it
7:15 row, had to break the D.Unders into 20s and 25s, all front delt fatigue that made me stop, the row I kept at 150/180 Wats until the last 50 Cal and I pushed it over 200 wats
Feeling great, ready for next week